50 points), entrance exam in a foreign language (max.

50 points), entrance exam in a foreign language (max.

Information technologies

Cybersecurity Computer science



Management and administration


Natural sciences


Social work

Social work

Social and behavioral sciences

Psychology Practical psychology


Transport technologies (by types)

Civil security

Civil security Fire safety

By materials: Updated: 28.07.

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(032) 272-70-42 Lviv, st. Kosciuszko 11 (map) http://www.ldufk.edu.ua (032) 272-39-15

Lviv State University of Physical Culture (LGUFC)

General information

Type of educational institution: University
Form of ownership: public
Accreditation level: IV
Cost of training per year (UAH): from 6400 to 7900
Form of training: day, correspondence
Qualification level: bachelor, specialist, master
Number of students: n.d.
Backyard: Lviv
Ranking of universities “TOP-200 Ukraine” (2017): 140th place
Free training:
Paid training:
Postgraduate education:
Postgraduate, doctoral:
Military Department:
Preparatory department:
VNO preparation courses:

Lviv State University of Physical Culture (LGUFK) conducts training in the following areas:

Health care

Physical therapy, occupational therapy

Management and administration


Culture and art


Education and pedagogy

Physical culture and sports Secondary education (by subject specializations)

Scope of service

Hotel and restaurant business Tourism

By materials: Updated: 01/17/2019

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(032) 240-99-40, (032) 240-99-44 Lviv, st. Illariona Sventsitskogo 17 (map) http://www.ucu.edu.ua (0322) 40-99-49

Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU)

General informationMore about the university

Type of educational institution: University
Form of ownership: private
Accreditation level: III
Cost of training per year (UAH): from UAH 7,015. up to UAH 15,000
Form of training: full-time, (correspondence only for the direction of Pedagogical education)
Qualification level: bachelor, master
Number of students: 703
Backyard: Lviv
Free training:
Paid training:
Postgraduate education:
Postgraduate, doctoral:
Military Department:
Preparatory department:
VNO preparation courses:

Entrance exams for master’s programs

8.02030103 – theology competitive score is calculated as the sum of the results of the professional exam (max. Number – 70 points) and the entrance exam in a foreign language (max. Number – 30 points).

8.02030201 – history competitive score is calculated as the sum of the result of the professional exam (max. Number – 70 points) and the entrance exam in a foreign language (max. Number – 30 points).

8.01010601- social pedagogy competitive score is calculated as the sum of the results of the entrance exam (max. Number – 60 points), entrance exam in a foreign language (max. Number – 30 points) and professional interview (max. Number – 10 points)).

8.03030101 – journalism competition score is calculated as the sum of the results of the creative competition (max. Number – 50 points), entrance exam in a foreign language (max. Number – 10 points), creativity (max. Number – 10 points) and professional interview (max. number – 30 points).

The creative competition is held in the form of a written exam in the specialty, during which the entrant must demonstrate skills, abilities and potential professional level in the following areas:

news editor; news journalism; information genres; analytical genres; editing a journalistic text.

Creativity is the author’s materials (works) of the entrant published in the print media, Internet publications, on radio and television. The authorship of the entrant must be certified by the signature of the editor of the relevant media and the editorial seal.

8.18010019 – media communication competitive score is calculated as the sum of the results of the entrance exam (max. Number – 60 points), entrance exam in a foreign language (max. Number – 10 points), the motivation letter of the applicant (max . Number -10 points)), and a professional interview (max. Number – 20 points).

Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU) – additional information about the higher institution education

General information

Ukrainian Catholic University is one of the leading educational institutions that educates the new Ukrainian elite.

At the Ukrainian Catholic University, free from corruption, students receive education to the highest world standards, growing intellectually and spiritually. Curricula have a compulsory humanities and theological core, as well as an in-depth study of the English language.

The university is the only Catholic university in the post-Soviet space. It belongs to the community of Catholic universities, of which there are about 350 in the world.

Departments of the Ukrainian Catholic University:

Classical, Byzantine and Medieval Studies (Clavis) World History of Modern and Contemporary Modern and Contemporary History of Ukraine General and Social Pedagogy Department of Psychology Department of Journalism Department of Media Communications Department of Theology Department of Philosophy Department of Church History Academic Programs of the Ukrainian Catholic University

Ukrainian Catholic University prepares students in accredited fields and specialties:

Theology History Social pedagogy Psychology Journalism (masters) Media communications (masters) Additional educational programs

At the Ukrainian Catholic University you can study in additional curricula:

Lviv Business School

Programs: Key Executive MBA, Management Development Programs, “Good Governance: Public Administration Innovative Approach Program” MSc IN INNOVATIONS AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP – a unique program on innovation and entrepreneurship in Ukraine, MSc in Technology Management, Human Resources Management and Organizational Development Program Human Resources and Organizational Development).

Institute of Leadership and Management

Programs: Management of non-profit organizations, Summer School of Leadership (LSL), Management of media public organizations, “Leadership Academy”

Institute of Ecumenical Studies

Programs: Master’s Program in Ecumenical Sciences, Distance Master’s Program in Ecumenical Sciences, Annual Certificate Program “Medical-Psychological and Social Support of Persons with Special Needs”

Center for Psychology

Programs: School of Psychological Knowledge “Psychology for Life” Project “Psychological Measurements of Spiritual Support and Formation” Positive Guidance on Child Behavior, School for Parents, Soft Skills School, School for Realizing Talents and Dreams

Catechetical and Pedagogical Institute

Programs: Higher Religious Education, In-Depth Study of the Catechism of the UGCC “Christ is Our Easter” Fundamentals of the Christian Faith and Service in the Parishes of the UGCC

School of Ukrainian language and culture

Programs: Program “Ukrainian Spring” Summer program of Ukrainian language and culture, summer Ukrainian camp for children, summer Ukrainian camp for children for “Plast” summer business school, program “Ukrainian Autumn”

School of Foreign Languages ​​”Language Express”

General course in English, narrative essay topic ideas German, Polish, Italian, Spanish and French

Icon painting school

Three-week intensive icon painting course and icon theology.

Scientific work of the Ukrainian Catholic University

In addition to articles and monographs written by professors, UCU’s research activities include powerful research projects that are being worked on by researchers from various institutes operating at the University.

The Ukrainian Catholic University has research institutes: the Institute of Church History, the Catechetical and Pedagogical Institute, the Institute of Religion and Society, the Institute of Liturgical Sciences, the International Institute of Ethics and Modern Problems, the Institute of Theological Terminology and Translation, and the Institute of Family and Marital Life.

The publishing house of the Ukrainian Catholic University, founded in 2003, specializes in publishing scientific, popular science and journalistic literature of the humanitarian profile (theology, history, philosophy, etc.), publishing both works by Ukrainian authors and translations from classical and modern languages. …

Resources of the Ukrainian Catholic University

The university library has the largest and best segment of the collection on theology and history of Western civilization in Ukraine. The total library fund (as of January 1, 2014) is 128,450 titles (including 2,450 titles of periodicals). In addition to materials in Slavic languages ​​(Ukrainian, Russian, Polish, Czech), the library has approximately 60,000 monographs and periodicals in English, German, Italian, Spanish and French. Numerous books are the only copies of these publications in Ukraine.

Collegium. The University administration has moved away from “dormitory” approaches, building a Collegium like European and American colleges with a collegial culture and atmosphere.

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