3. Krasnovid Pavel Evgenievich, teacher of geography MBOU “Gymnasium named after Podolsk cadets”

3. Krasnovid Pavel Evgenievich, teacher of geography MBOU “Gymnasium named after Podolsk cadets”

The issue also published material about the christopher columbus hero or villain essay winners of national and international WorldSkills championships – they talked about the benefits of studying in vocational schools and participating in the championship movement.

The section “Point of View” presents the most successful regional practices in the field of open source software.

The sections “Methodology”, “Documents” and “Calendar of Events” were replenished with new materials. The “News” section is updated on the website of the electronic journal “Education Bulletin” of the Ministry of Education of Russia every day and includes an overview of the most important events in the field of education and upbringing in the regions of the country.

The electronic journal “Education Bulletin” of the Ministry of Education of Russia is placed in the public domain without the need for a subscription.

The winners and prize-winners of the Moscow Teacher meta-subject Olympiad have been announced in the capital, according to the official website of the Moscow Mayor.

This year, more than 13 thousand teachers took part in it, of which 71 became winners, and 664 became prize-winners. The final of the Olympiad was held remotely.

“Moscow teachers have always been distinguished by their ability to find time for professional development. This is important for the teacher to speak the same language with his students, who perceive digital reality as a natural habitat and are ready to learn using the capabilities of electronic resources. Over 13 thousand participants in the Moscow Teacher meta-subject Olympiad managed to improve their skills and acquire new skills to create a unified educational environment for a Moscow school, in which subject knowledge is added to an integral system to understand the limitless possibilities of modern man, ”said Andrei Zinin, Director of the City Methodological Center …

The city methodological center and the Center for Pedagogical Excellence have been holding the Moscow Teacher meta-subject Olympiad since 2014. The purpose of the competition is to identify talented teachers with modern skills to achieve high educational results for students.

Russian President Vladimir Putin sent a welcoming telegram to the participants in the festive concert and the award ceremony for the finalists of the All-Russian competition “Teacher of the Year of Russia – 2019″.

He stressed that today the best representatives of the pedagogical community gathered in the State Kremlin Palace, and expressed gratitude for the selfless work, significant contribution to the development of the Russian school, the formation of the country’s future.

“Special congratulations to the finalists of the 30th anniversary All-Russian competition“ Teacher of the Year ”. This success is a serious professional, personal achievement, recognition of your pedagogical talent and skill, ”reads the telegram posted on the Kremlin website.

The head of state stressed that the adherence of teachers to the traditions of national education and mastery of modern teaching methods are “highly demanded.”

He also recalled that the honoring of the finalists of the competition takes place on the eve of Teacher’s Day, congratulated them on this holiday and wished the teachers and their students all the best.

The first graduation of students under the program “Leadership in Education: Team Trajectory” took place at Minin University, the press service of the Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after Kozma Minin reports.

Teams from four schools presented their projects.

Advanced training courses under the program “Leadership in Education: Team Trajectory” are organized by the Institute of Continuing Education of Minin University within the framework of the federal project “Teacher of the Future” of the national project “Education”. For two months, under the guidance of experienced teachers and mentors of the team of the boarding school “Center for Gifted Children”, a boarding school for blind and visually impaired children, secondary school No. 3 in Bor and school No. 34, we worked on projects.

The goal of the program is to prepare leaders and management teams for the implementation of strategic objectives in the field of education. The participants of the program’s projects have chosen the formation of a team, mentoring and creating conditions for the professional development of young teachers, networking in the context of the introduction of a digital educational environment, the creation of a framework center for additional education for children with disabilities.

The partners of Minin University took part in the implementation of the program: the Corporate University of the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, the Prosveshchenie Publishing House (Group of Companies), the Academy of Social Management of the Moscow Region, the Department of Education of the Administration of Nizhny Novgorod, the Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Education Development, the Center for Continuous Professional Development of Teachers Nizhny Novgorod region and other subjects of the Russian Federation, as well as experts in the field of education.

On October 3, on the website of the Ministry of Education of Russia and in the official group of the department in the social network VKontakte, an online broadcast of the final tests of the federal stage of the All-Russian competition “Teacher of the Year of Russia – 2019″ will take place, the press service of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation reports. 

The third face-to-face round “Teacher-Leader” includes competitive tests “Public Lecture” and “Conversation with the Minister”, which have a single theme: “Education at school in the face of modern challenges.”

Five winners will take part in the competitive tests:

1. Arachashvili Larisa Givievna, teacher of Russian language and literature, MBOU “Secondary School No. 55″ Valley of Knowledge “, Volgograd.

2. Zezkova Marina Aleksandrovna, teacher of the French language, State Budgetary Educational Institution “Gymnasium No. 171″, St. Petersburg.

3. Krasnovid Pavel Evgenievich, teacher of geography, MBOU “Gymnasium named after Podolsk cadets”, Podolsk, Moscow region.

4. Mirsaitov Nail Galimzhanovich, teacher of biology, MAOU “Lyceum Boarding School No. 2″, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan.

5. Romanova Veronika Olegovna, teacher of chemistry, MOU “Lyceum No. 2″, Saratov.

The broadcast will take place at the link: https://vk.com/minprosvet?z=video-30558759_456239470%2Fvideos-30558759%2Fpl_-30558759_-2

Broadcast start:

14:00 – Competitive test “Public Lecture”.

15:30 – competitive test “Conversation with the Minister” with the participation of the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation O.Yu. Vasilyeva.

This is the first time that the final tests of the competition will be broadcast on social networks. Artem Tyatenko and Sofya Felbusch, pupils of the Kaptsovs School No. 1520, will take part in the Conversation with the Minister competitive test, who will follow the questions in the official group of the department on the VKontakte social network and ask the most interesting of them during the test.

The moderator of the Conversation with the Minister competitive test will be the editor-in-chief of the Uchitelskaya Gazeta, A.D. Khasavov.

On October 4, a gala concert in honor of Teacher’s Day will take place at the State Kremlin Palace, as well as an award ceremony for the winner and prize-winners of the All-Russian competition “Teacher of the Year of Russia – 2019″.

The founders of the All-Russian competition “Teacher of the Year of Russia” are the Ministry of Education of Russia, ZAO “Publishing House” Uchitelskaya Gazeta “and the All-Russian Trade Union of Education.

In 2019, the competitive tests of the first and second full-time rounds were held from September 20 to October 1 in two educational organizations of the city of Grozny in the Chechen Republic: gymnasium No. 14 and Mathematical school No. 1 named after Kh.I. Ibragimov.

According to the results of competitive tests of the first full-time round “Professional Teacher” – “Lesson” and “Extracurricular Event” – 15 laureates of the competition were announced on September 28.

On September 29-30, tests of the second full-time round “Teacher-Master” – “Master Class” and “Educational Project” took place. According to their results, on October 1, the names of 5 winners of the competition were announced.

The official information partner of the competition in 2019 is Rossiyskaya Gazeta, the general information partner is Social Navigator of the Russia Today MIA.

In Moscow, 869 teachers from 350 educational organizations of the city have registered to participate in the Olympiad “New teacher of new informatics. Restart, “the press service of the Moscow Department of Education and Science reports.

The first distance stage will take place from 18 to 31 January. The teachers will have to complete 18 tasks in six areas: “Programming”, “Data Science”, “Information Security”, “Modeling and Prototyping”, “Robotics and Microcontrollers” and “Communication Technologies”. Teachers will have 90 minutes to complete tasks of three levels of complexity.

At the next stage, the participants will demonstrate their skills in solving practical cases: within two months, teachers will need to solve ten tasks.

According to the results of the second stage of the competition, 30 finalists will go to the final part of the tournament, who will organize an educational event using remote technologies. The results of the Olympiad will be announced by May 31, 2021.

The Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements has opened a new section “Training Navigator” on its official website, according to the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science.

The section will publish materials for self-preparation of students for the final state certification.

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