A certain part of them was implemented in 2015.

A certain part of them was implemented in 2015.

“The first process is to develop tests, the second is to build an administration system, and the third is to support other processes. The core of this system in most cases are IT systems, each of these subsystems can exist completely independently, both test development and administration and support, “said the director of the Ukrainian Assessment Center.

“But they are united by one IT system. Today, in fact, this IT system has stopped at the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment, but this does not mean that the work of individual subsystems has stopped. Tests for today are created, the administration system works. The production and logistics base is absolutely operational. We are ready to replicate the tests and deliver them to the test sites, “said Vadim Karandiy, head of the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment.

introductory campaign


The resuscitation Reform Package requires the urgent adoption of all measures necessary for the EIT

RPR requires a public plan to address the problems of external evaluation

The Resuscitation Reform Package calls on the Government and the Ministry of Education and Science to urgently take all measures necessary for the successful conduct of the EIT in 2016 and to offer assistance, if necessary. This is stated in the statement of the RPR to ensure the conduct of an external independent evaluation.The RPR notes that external independent evaluation is almost the only example of a successful reform in the field of education over the past 25 years and the only really existing component of the quality assurance system of Ukrainian education.“The activities of the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment, which is responsible for external examinations, are an example of openness and transparency for many Ukrainian government agencies. In 2014, the management of the Ukrainian Assessment Center initiated a public discussion, during which a large number of proposals were made to improve the tests of external evaluation and areas of its application. Some of them were implemented in 2015. These innovations have become a real effective measure to combat corruption in education. Some of them caused great resistance from some teachers, parents and graduates. Isn’t that why the Evaluation Center itself suddenly found itself at the center of a high-profile corruption scandal? ”The statement reads.The RPR notes that more than 100 days have passed since July 21, when a joint special operation of law enforcement agencies took place at the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment, and the center’s management was accused of committing a number of serious crimes.”However, law enforcement officers have not yet provided evidence of abuse. The comments of the heads of the investigation and the prosecutor’s office, as well as the press services of law enforcement agencies show that they do not understand the essence of the EIT procedures, contradict each other, as well as the published documents on the investigation. Investigators say there are 100 to 200 cases of changes in test results. But it is unknown what part of these changes is due to appeals or technical errors of the performers. who are suspected and preventive measures have been identified, there is still no customer of the intervention in the base, ”the RPR notes.The Resuscitation Reform Package emphasizes that one of the mainstream of the special operation at the Assessment Center is the real threat of disrupting the final certification of graduates of general education institutions and admission to higher education institutions in 2016.”What is needed and what is not needed for the external evaluation should be decided by specialists, not law enforcement agencies. There are other significant threats that may make it impossible to conduct an external evaluation next year. In particular, these are the problems of updating the material base of the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment, dismissal of a number of leading specialists, renewal of licenses for specialized software.In this regard, the reassuring statements of the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine S. Kvit that there are no grounds for concern sound unconvincing. We need a clear and public plan to solve all the existing problems, “the RPR notes.In this regard, the Resuscitation Reform Package requires the Government and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to urgently take all measures necessary for the successful conduct of the External Evaluation in 2016. If necessary, RPR specialists are ready to join the discussion of problems and help in developing and implementing the necessary solutions.The RPR statement also requires the Prosecutor General’s Office and other law enforcement agencies involved in the investigation to be transparent and open to the buy compare and contrast essay now investigation within the limits permitted by law; bringing to the responsibility provided by the Law of all customers of intervention in bases of the Ukrainian center of an assessment of quality of education irrespective of names and positions if the facts of such intervention will be confirmed.

Related links:

▶ Prospects for EIT-2016: briefing of MES leaders▶ Carrying out ZNO is absolutely real, – Karandiy▶ More about the external evaluation in Ukraine


Officials spoke about the prospects of conducting an external independent evaluation in 2016

Prospects for ZNO-2016: Sergey Kvit’s briefing (video)

Minister of Education and Science Sergei Kvit introduced to the public his new deputy Pavel Hobzey and director of the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment Vadim Karandi.During the briefing, officials spoke about conducting an external independent evaluation in 2016.


The profile committee will consider the decision on possible release of graduates from DPA in the form of ZNO

Graduates can be released from the STA in the form of external evaluation

Given the epidemic situation, graduates who complete their general secondary education in 2021 may be exempted from the mandatory state final certification in the form of external evaluation.

This was reported in a comment by Osvita.ua and. at. Director of the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment Valery Boyko, summing up the discussion of the formats of ZNO-2021 at a meeting of the Parliamentary Committee on Education, Science and Innovation, which took place on December 2.

According to him, UTSOKO has identified a priority model in which the state final certification for persons who in 2021 complete general secondary education will take place at the choice of the graduate – or in an educational institution (written or oral, in particular with the use of distance technologies), or in the form of EIT.

At the same time, for persons who plan to enter higher education institutions, the EIT will be conducted in a timely manner in accordance with certain regulations of testing.

If this model is adopted, graduates who want to pass the STA in an educational institution must submit an appropriate application to their institution.

At the same time, the results of the STA will be established for all graduates who complete a complete general secondary education.

“If this model is chosen, the number of EIT participants in each subject will be reduced, and, consequently, the total number of tests. This situation is due to the fact that a significant part of the test participants from among students of higher education institutions and the vast majority of students from vocational (technical) education institutions register for participation in external evaluation solely for the purpose of passing the STA, “said Valery Boyko.

In addition, the head of the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment noted that in accordance with current legislation, passing the STA for the level of complete general secondary education in the state language, mathematics and other subjects must be carried out in the form of external evaluation, except as required by law.

“In this regard, the Verkhovna Rada must adopt appropriate legislative changes that will regulate the possibility of holding the STA in 2021 for the level of complete general secondary education, not only in the form of external evaluation,” said Valery Boyko.

The final decision on the possible application of this model of the STA in 2021 will be made by the Parliamentary Committee on Education, Science and Innovation in the first half of March, given the epidemic situation in the country.

In case of a positive decision, the profile committee will recommend to the parliament the draft of the corresponding legislative changes.



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College of Economics, Law and Information Technology

General information

College of Economics, Law and Information Technology – a structural unit of the University “KROK”. It allows to orient young people professionally in advance, to provide them with primary higher education at the level of a junior specialist.

The college trains junior specialists in the following specialties and educational programs:


Economics of tourism Subjects: 1. Ukrainian language. 2. Geography or Mathematics


Accounting and taxation with in-depth study of information systems and technologies Subjects: 1. Ukrainian language. 2. Mathematics or Geography


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