The task consists of a basis and provides the decision of a problem.

The task consists of a basis and provides the decision of a problem.

The results of the pilot EIT will not be counted as assessments for the state final certification and will not be used to participate in the competitive selection for admission to higher education institutions.


For important information about the main events of the external evaluation, join the Admission Campaign pages in Telegram or Applicant and on Facebook.

ZNOtrial EIT


Remote preparation for external independent assessment in mathematics

Preparation for the test: EIT online in mathematics

In order to remotely prepare for the test of external independent assessment in mathematics, test participants can use the appropriate online preparation service for external evaluation in mathematics, which contains tasks that were offered to applicants during the main sessions of external evaluation, as well as test options offered to applicants during trial testing in previous years.Under each math task you will find links to a description of the correct execution of the task and a diagram of its evaluation.The method of performing all tasks in the proposed tests of EIT online in mathematics is as close as possible to the real test, and the form of the answer corresponds to the type that is offered to applicants in the answer sheet during the real tests of EIT …After completing all the tests you will be given the correct answers to all tasks and your result is calculated in test and rating points.Also, after completing the test, you will indicate the time you spent on it. You can complete the test ahead of time by clicking the appropriate button next to each task.At the last link in the list of tests, you can open the full list of test tasks of external independent assessment in mathematics. In this version of passing the external evaluation online, you get the correct answer to each task immediately after its completion.Go to the external examination tests online in mathematics >>>An external independent assessment in mathematics will take place on May 11, 2016. With the peculiarities of testing, in particular, the forms of test tasks, the number of tasks, the time allotted for the tasks, evaluation criteria, etc. can be found at this link.

Related links:

▶ Online external tests evaluation in geography▶ EIT tests online in biology▶ Online external tests evaluation on the history of Ukraine▶ External EIT tests online in English▶ External EIT tests in physics▶ External EIT tests online for all test subjects


Information for persons who will pass the external examination using assignments printed in Braille

Materials for EIT for visually impaired people

Persons with visual impairments have the opportunity in 2021 to undergo an external independent assessment using assignments printed in Braille, in Ukrainian, Ukrainian language and literature, mathematics, history of Ukraine and biology.

Test assignments will be prepared in accordance with the Programs of external independent evaluation, approved by orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. In order to adapt the programs of external independent assessment for persons who use the Braille dotted font in the process of training, changes have been made to the Programs in the Ukrainian language and literature, mathematics, history of Ukraine, biology.

To prepare for the external independent assessment, the characteristics of certification work and the criteria for assessing open-ended assignments with a detailed answer are given.

The characteristics of certification works on the Ukrainian language, Ukrainian language and literature, mathematics, history of Ukraine, biology define the structure of the test, the time allotted for its implementation, specify the number and types of tasks included in the certification work, the scheme of test scores.

The criteria for evaluating open-ended tasks with a detailed answer in the Ukrainian language, Ukrainian language and literature, mathematics indicate the general requirements (recommendations) for performing these tasks.

In order for the test participant to be provided with a test notebook with assignments printed in Braille, it is necessary to indicate the need to create special conditions, indicate the number and date of the form issued by the health care institution No. 086-3 / o. A medical report stating the need to create a special condition must be submitted together with other registration documents.

For the first time, test participants performed the tasks of certification works printed in Braille in 2018. Then the approbation of assignments on the Ukrainian language and literature, mathematics, history of Ukraine during additional session was carried out.


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The test score of the External Examination in Physics is calculated as the arithmetic sum of all points scored for each completed test task

ZNO-2021: how to calculate the score in physics

The results of external independent evaluation in physics are determined in two stages. At the first stage, the test score of the participant of the external evaluation is determined (maximum – 64 points). At the second stage, on the basis of the test score, the rating of the results of the participant of the external evaluation is determined on a 200-point scale used in compiling the rating list of applicants for admission to universities in Ukraine.

At the choice of the graduate the result of performance of tasks of certification work can be counted as the state final certification in physics.


Tasks with the choice of one correct answer. The task consists of a basis and four answer options, of which only one is correct. The task is considered completed if the participant of the external independent evaluation has selected and marked the answer in the answer sheet A.

The test contains 20 tasks of this form (# 1-20), which will be evaluated in 0 or 1 point: 1 point, if the correct answer is given; 0 points if an incorrect answer is given, or more than one answer is given, or the answer to the task is not provided.

Conformity determination tasks. The task consists of a base and two columns of information, denoted by numbers (left) and letters (right). Execution of the task involves establishing a correspondence (formation of “logical pairs”) between the information indicated by numbers and letters. The task is considered completed if the participant of the external independent assessment made marks at the intersections of rows (numbers from 1 to 4) and columns (letters from A to D) in the table of the answer sheet A.

The test contains 4 tasks of this form (# 21-24), which will be evaluated in 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 points: 1 point – for each correctly established correspondence (“logical pair”); 0 points for any “logical pair” if more than one mark is made in the row and / or column; 0 points for the task, if no correct match is specified (“logical pair”), or the answer to the task is not provided.

Open-ended assignments with a short answer

Structured task. The task consists of a basis and two parts and provides the decision of a problem. The task is considered completed if the participant of the external independent assessment, having performed the appropriate numerical calculations, recorded, observing the requirements and rules, the answers to each of the parts of the task in the answer sheet A.

The test contains 4 tasks of this form (# 25-28), which are evaluated in 0, 1 or 2 points: 1 point for each correct answer; 0 points if both incorrect answers are given or the answer to the task is not provided.

Unstructured task. The task consists of a basis and provides the decision of a problem. The task is considered completed if the participant of the external independent assessment, having carried out the corresponding numerical calculations, has written down, observing requirements and rules, the final answer in the answer sheet A.

The test contains 10 tasks of this type (# 29-38), which are evaluated in 0 or 2 points: 2 points, if the correct answer is given; 0 points if the wrong answer is given or the answer to the task is not provided.

The maximum number of points that a test participant can score by correctly completing all the tasks of the external examination in physics is 64.


To obtain the results of the participant of the external evaluation on a 200-point scale, the Table of translation of test points into a rating scale from 100 to 200 points is used.

The table of translation of test points into a rating scale from 100 to 200 points is published by the Ukrainian assessment center (UTSOKO) only after checking the correctness of the tasks of each test participant and determining the threshold score “passed / failed”.

The table of translation of test scores must be published no later than June 22, 2021. This scale is a rating scale, as it indicates the place of the result of the participant of the external independent evaluation among the results of other participants of the physics test.

When calculating this scale, the results of test participants who did not pass the threshold test score on the test results will not be taken into account. The threshold score is determined by groups of experts who analyze the actual performance of test tasks by test participants and on the basis of this analysis establish the number of test scores that determine the threshold test score in physics. External evaluation participants who do not pass a certain threshold test score will be considered not to have passed the test.

It should be noted that the determination of the rating score on the tables of translation of test scores of previous years will be inaccurate. The rating score can differ significantly given the different levels of tests and different actual test results by test participants. Tables for translating test scores from previous years can be viewed at the following link.


The result of all tasks of certification work can be considered as the state final certification in physics at the choice of the graduate.

The maximum number of points that a participant in the external examination in physics can receive, having correctly completed all tasks, is 64 test points.

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