And I know everyone is different

Conceptually this means tht ads scale with more AD and AS items instead of bullshit crit/AS oneshotting squishies and taking forever to get. And u dont have bruisers abusing AD items by running around with 350 AD. And if late game some assassin wants to buy 3800 gold item to get bonus AD then why not? Its late game..

The reality is that slavery was a huge part of mainstream life in the South. In some states, slave ownership by household was close to 50%. Imagine living in a neighborhood in which every other house enslaved at least one person, and everyone on the block directly benefitted from slave labor.

You beg her to slow down. It’s been so long. You’re going to finish too soon. The government started building computer labs in schools. Banks supported the move, as it reduced the need for branches in rural villages. More than 99 per cent of Estonia banking transactions now take place online..

But ask yourself, if the roles were reversed, how would you feel? Would you still love him or would you feel resentment. I mean really really think about it. Bc it not cool if you are the one that supports him in his Time of need no problem and at the first signs of money troubles and dipping into vacation funds he emotionally checks out.

Good onya for making the effort to stay safe! as long as the condom doesn’t break, you’re protected. However, the water in the shower can wash away lubricant (hopefully you have been using additional water based lubricant like astroglide) adult toys, which can increase the likelihood of condom breakage. It can also make sex a little more uncomfortable.

I love and care about her so much and I definately know the meaning of the phrase “If you’re happy, I’m happy.” because that is exactly how I feel. We had gotten in a fight not to long before school ended and to show me how mad she was, she ignored me and basically acted as if we had never even been friends. That hurt.

But never a scare and the insertion was painless and healing great!!! Like I said I need it out this month and have an apt set. But the past month + have been a world of disaster PMS wise/symptoms. And I know everyone is different. I don’t think this toy would be harness compatible because the base is rather small and tapered. It’s also very flexible bulk sex toys, so I think that it would slip out of a harness fairly easily. The best thing about this toy is its overall shape.

I feel like I have to do what other FAAB GQ people seem to do, and bind all the time (which I find very uncomfortable), and present masculinely. But that isn’t what I want. I want to present as I feel from day to day without people reading a whole lot of stuff into it..

Housework has a dailies section at the top and then the weekly things by room. The daily care includes everything from brushing my teeth to a period tracker to meals and tea, ordered roughly by when they’d happen during a day. Of course there’s one or two at the bottom that I thought of after I’d written everything in..

Holly put the notebook down and smiled. It was a beautiful day. Maybe she would go to the park as he had suggested. If you busy, I let you text/call me in your own time. That fine. If you don text me, I take a hint. And trying to get richer. Some are slacking, though and live on houseboats and travel the world. Some don care about money and help other people..

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