Bioelectrical activity of the brain

Bioelectrical activity of the brain

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Symptoms and diagnosis of diffuse changesCauses and effects of changesPrevention of increased diffuse changes in BEA

Normal bioelectrical activity of the brain (BEA) can undergo changes caused by previous illness or injury. These changes can manifest themselves locally in a particular area of ​​the brain. And they can have a diffuse nature – that is, spread to the entire brain as a whole without a clear definition of the source of the change, disrupting the permeability of electrical impulses more or less evenly in all areas of the brain. In this case, they speak of disorganization of the bioelectric activity of the brain. But in order to record diffuse changes in the bioelectrical activity of the brain, it is necessary to confirm a number of characteristic symptoms and specific indicators of the electroencephalogram (EEG).

Symptoms and diagnosis of diffuse changes

It is believed that the bioelectrical activity of the brain is disorganized if external signs appear, reflected in the behavior and reactions of the patient, and also if these changes are confirmed or preceded by hardware diagnostics. Often, the bioelectric activity of the brain is first tested by the hardware method, after which suspicions arise, and only then the patients pay attention to behavioral and cognitive symptoms:

sudden mood swings from good to bad – and vice versa,decreased self-esteem,loss of interest in previous hobbies,slowing down the performance of the usual work,the rapid onset of fatigue when performing even basic actions.

In general, the history of general cerebral changes in BEA is typical for other diseases of the central nervous system. A person describes his condition as a general malaise and may not correlate the symptoms with the first signs of diffuse changes in BEA (especially if the symptoms listed above are accompanied by dizziness and headaches, “jumping” pressure). Sometimes such changes are accompanied by signs of diencephalic-stem structures dysfunction, which also manifests itself in complaints of poor health.

If diffuse changes are pronounced significantly, and if a significant decrease in the threshold of convulsive readiness is recorded, then it is considered that the person is predisposed to epilepsy.


Common causes of changes – atherosclerosis, encephalitis, meningitis, toxic brain lesions – are usually reflected in tissue necrosis, inflammation, edema, and scarring. And these pathologies, in turn, are recorded using EEG. In case of cerebral lesion, pathological processes of three types are recorded on the EEG, the first of which is considered the most significant, but the diagnosis is made in the presence of all three signs of the pathological process, namely:

polymorphic polyrhythmic (multiplicity of rhythms) activity in the absence of regular dominant bioelectric activity,disruption of the normal organization of the electroencephalogram, which is expressed in irregular asymmetry with simultaneous disturbances in the distribution of the main EEG rhythms, phase coincidences of waves in symmetrical parts of the brain, amplitude relationships,diffuse pathological fluctuations (alpha, delta, theta, exceeding normal amplitudes).

Often in the EEG, signs of a symptom complex prevail, which appears with lesions of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland (diencephalic syndrome). Deciphering the EEG readings does not allow us to see the cause of the appearance of the abnormal data. A small glitch in the BEA when diagnosed using EEG can be recorded in a healthy person.

Examples of EEG conclusions:

“Significant diffuse changes in the BEA of the brain associated with dysfunction of the midline structures. Lowering the threshold of convulsive readiness. The focus of pathological activity, including paroxysmal, is in the right frontotemporal region. “

This means that there is a predisposition to epilepsy and convulsive syndrome. There are foci in the cerebral cortex that exhibit elevated BEA, which can lead to various types of epileptic seizures.

“PEA of the brain is somewhat disorganized. During hyperventilation, flashes of pointed theta and alpha waves, deformed single complexes in the frontal leads of the “acute-slow wave” type are recorded. No pronounced interhemispheric asymmetry was recorded. “

This result, together with the results of the REG, which indicate that the decrease in pulse blood supply persists during functional tests, reveals signs of impaired blood circulation in the brain.

“Alpha rhythm over both hemispheres. Amplitude – up to 101 μV on the right and up to 99 μV on the left. The maximum is 57μV on the right and 54μV on the left. The dominant frequency is 9.6 Hz with the dominance of the alpha rhythm in the occipital leads. Slow theta waves over both hemispheres. In the anterior-frontal region – 53 µV, in the frontal –56 µV, in the parietal –88 µV, in the central – 81 µV, in the posterior-temporal region – 55 µV. Signs of a moderate stage of irritation of the median structures of the brain and cortex. Paroxysmal activity and stable interhemispheric asymmetry were not registered. “

Interpretation: irritation of the cerebral cortex (irritation), may indicate a violation of the functions of the cortex, – such a change in EEG data is characteristic of impaired blood circulation in different parts of the brain. In such a situation, it is advisable to personally consult with a neurologist.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is used to clarify and identify the catalysts of deviation.

Magnetic resonance imaging

When bioelectrical activity is disorganized, the reasons for deviations exist, even if they are not immediately obvious. MRI helps to identify them. Vascular atherosclerosis is detected by angiography. Tomography demonstrates irritative changes caused by the tumor, helps to establish the nature of the neoplasms.

Causes and effects of changes

General cerebral changes in the bioelectrical activity of the brain can be caused by the following factors:

Chemical-toxic and radiation damage to the brain. Toxic poisoning, leading to disorganization, is most often irreversible, affecting a person’s ability to carry out daily activities. Such forms of lesions provoke severe forms of diffuse changes in the bioelectrical activity of the brain.Head trauma and concussion. Here, the intensity of changes depends on the severity of the damage caused: the stronger the damage, the more noticeable the result. With slight and moderate diffuse changes in the bioelectrical activity of the brain, the body feels slight discomfort, and impulse conduction is restored without long-term treatment.Inflammatory processes (including those caused by a viral infection). For inflammations associated with meningitis and encephalitis, mild general cerebral changes in BEA are characteristic.Atherosclerotic vascular problems. The condition depends on the degree of vascular damage. The initial stage is characterized by slight diffuse changes in the bioelectric activity of the brain. But with an increase in the area of ​​vascular lesion and tissue death, disturbances in neural conduction progress.Associated violations. These include manifestations of regulatory pathologies. Cases associated with damage to the hypothalamus and pituitary gland are common. Changes can also be caused by malfunctioning of the immune system.

Rough pronounced diffuse changes in the bioelectrical activity of the brain, as a rule, become a consequence of scarring, necrotic transformations, expansion of inflammatory processes and cerebral edema. Such disturbances in the conduction of signals are heterogeneous, and the instability of BEA in difficult cases is always accompanied by pathologies of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus.

Moderate changes in the bioelectrical activity of the brain are dangerous for their complications. Subsequent stages, with softening or densification of brain tissue and the appearance of neoplasms, are transformed into oncological diseases, diffuse sclerosis and other irreversible processes. To prevent them, treatment should be carried out at the stage of detecting slight changes in the bioelectric activity of the brain. Treatment is moderate and an attempt to reduce the consequences of the last stage of pathological changes is made only in specialized medical institutions.

Prevention of increased diffuse changes in BEA

Some of the causes of cerebral changes in BEA are uncontrollable (trauma, poisoning, radiation). However, several reasons are relatively easy to address with preventive othello tragic hero essay measures.

Since one of the most common causes of diffuse changes is vascular atherosclerosis, a preventive and therapeutic measure here will be lifestyle correction, nutrition and the use of drugs that:

improve the condition of the walls of large and small vessels, while maintaining their elasticity,reduce the degree of adhesion of erythrocytes,eliminate cholesterol deposits and other lipid accumulations,prevent the proliferation of fibrous fibers,improve endothelial function.

Some of the most popular preventive and therapeutic agents include herbal preparations HeadBooster, Optimentis with a nootropic effect of enhancing the efficiency and cognitive functions of the brain. Their popularity is explained by several factors, including a mild sparing effect on the vascular system of the brain and the presence of the relict plant Ginkgo Biloba in the extract. The effect of drugs appears gradually, so they should be taken in courses. However, in this case, it is necessary to adhere to the recommendations for the course intake, since an overdose of organic substances present in the composition of the Ginkgo extract increases the risk of developing strokes. When taken correctly, these drugs:

reduce the permeability of the vascular wall, contributing to its strengthening,normalize cholesterol levels,launch antioxidant processes, preventing the destructive effects of free radicals on membranes,provide nutrition to brain cells by normalizing the transport of glucose and oxygen to tissues,facilitate the passage of impulses along the nerve fibers.

In addition, the following drugs are used in the drug treatment of atherosclerosis preceding diffuse changes:

Nicotinic acid (its derivatives). Preparations based on it reduce the content of cholesterol and triglycerides, increase the concentration of lipoproteins. All this improves antiatherogenic properties, but introduces a ban on these drugs for people with liver disease.Fibrates. Miskleron, Gevilan, Atromide inhibit the synthesis of the body’s own fats, but are fraught with side effects associated with the work of the liver and gallbladder.Bile acid sequestrants remove acids from the intestines, thereby reducing the amount of fat in the cells, but can cause flatulence or constipation.Statins. Reduce the production of cholesterol by the body itself, which determines the time of taking them “at night”, when cholesterol synthesis increases. But their action can also destabilize the liver.

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