The main principle of Japanese management is group work, which permeates the entire firm from top to bottom.

The main principle of Japanese management is group work, which permeates the entire firm from top to bottom.

The essence of statistical quality control in Japanese practice is a sample statistical observation, which provides: representativeness of the sample, a clear correspondence between the sample characteristics and the characteristics of the general population, the use of strict mathematical apparatus for processing the results of statistical observation of product quality parameters.

In the Japanese practice of quality control of goods there is no total control, but a fairly reliable sample, provided with the perfection of statistical methods.

Organizational methods of product quality management of Japanese firms are to involve in this process all production and management units – from product design to sales. All employees are involved in quality management activities: those involved in planning, research and development and research related to the production of new products, directly involved in production, accounting, human resources and labor relations.

An important component of the quality management mechanism are quality control circles (QC) – an organizational form of joint search for solutions to production and quality problems by direct executors. As a rule, GKYa is formed from 6-12 workers of a production site or shop: workers, ITP, heads of lower level. The work of the CCJ takes place in the form of meetings mostly during non-working hours in accordance with the plan approved by the administration 2-4 times a month.

A chairperson is elected to conduct the meetings, often a shift manager, and sometimes the work of the CCJ is managed by an invited consultant. Based on the results of the discussion, the CCJ formulates the most important problems (3-4 per year) and develops detailed plans for their solution. Participants regularly present self-reports and prepare annual reports on their work in the QMS. The final meeting at the end of the year is attended by the company’s executives and its president. The best GQFs have the right to label their products with their own brand.

The administration materially and morally stimulates the group members, they undergo special training in methods of determining the quality of goods. The circles belong to the general organizational mechanism of the firm, their work is managed by a special committee headed by the vice-president.

The main principle of Japanese management is group work, which permeates the entire firm from top to bottom. If the source of viability of American business is the Protestant ethic, the Japanese – Shinto as an understandable and acceptable to all ideal. As a rule, it is formulated in the form of a motto. For example, the motto of the company “Omron”: “Work for a better life, a better world for all.” This formulation of the organization’s mission is somewhat different from its understanding by American and Western European companies.


Development of international strategies: main stages. Abstract

Choice of mission and goals. Study of the external and internal environment. Strategy formation. Implementation of the strategy. Strategic control

Choice of mission and goals. At the heart of the company’s international activities, as in any other, is a significant number of strategic decisions made by relevant managers. Effective management of the firm implies that this set is rationally formed, ie:

Captures all the key points that are related to the external relations of the firm, regardless of the adopted organizational management structure. Provides the ability to implement the overall goal of the firm at the level of current business plans and operational decisions. Internally and externally corresponds to the activities of the firm. Focused on assessing the development of situations.

And now let’s move directly to the stages of strategy development. The following main stages of the strategy development process can be identified:

choice of mission and goals, study of external and internal environment, strategy formation, strategy implementation, strategic control.

Mission development is the first stage of strategic management. Mission can be defined as the concept of existence and development of the organization. The mission’s mission is to provide focus and direction.

The content of the mission of the organization is determined on the basis of three key points: it should be expressed in relatively simple definitions and in a convenient form; the mission should be based on the tasks of meeting the needs and interests of consumers; the question of why consumers will buy these goods and services of this and not another organization must have a clear answer.

The mission, accordingly, can be determined:

the range of needs that the consumer needs; a set of consumers; manufactured products; competitive advantages.

The company’s mission should be formed on the basis of determining its place in the market; in other words, its general goal is the production of certain types of products and the provision of services that target individual consumers. Based on this, we can say that entering foreign markets implies some changes in the mission, which are primarily related to the expansion or change in the range of consumers of manufactured products.

The managerial value of a clearly defined mission consists in identifying the long-term focus of the company and ensuring the connection of business decisions.

The list of goals that the firm is engaged in international operations, in its structure is almost no different from the general list of goals – another thing that, depending on the specific circumstances, some of them may be irrelevant at the moment and therefore not taken into account.

First of all, you need to consider marketing. The firm’s share of a foreign market, sales volume, growth rate and growth of these indicators are important targets for the development of the firm.

Going beyond the domestic market, the company also forms specific goals in relation to the products, which may arise from circumstances related to strengthening its competitiveness and special requirements of a local nature (regional standards, national traditions, climate).

If the international activity of the firm is associated with the implementation of investments, then it has goals in the development of foreign production base. Some of them characterize the effect of the planned actions, some – directly to the production base.

Similarly, indicators in the field of finance are divided according to what they describe: the results of foreign operations or the direction of financial activities. Among the first are: sales volume, profit and its dynamics, the rationality of the location of enterprises from the standpoint of tax policy, the efficiency of foreign exchange transactions. Subordinate objectives relate to indicators such as equity, asset structure, receivables and payables.

The goals of the firm in terms of staff attitudes also have their own characteristics. General cultural differences between countries, differences in traditions and schools of management, language and other problems arise in the activities of the firm abroad.

Figure 1 shows the matrix of SWOT-analysis conducted at the company where I am practicing. Here are the strengths and weaknesses of the external and internal environment of the enterprise, as well as measures to help the company in difficult situations.



Opportunities: 1. Development of the country’s economy. 2. Entering new markets. 3. Expansion of production to meet the needs of consumers. 4. Socio-political stability. 5. Stability of the state.

Threats: 1. Inflation. 2. “Hostile actions” by the state 3. Negative demographic actions. Reduction of consumer income due to non-payment of salary. 5. Negative environmental situation.


Strengths: 1. Competitive advantages (uniqueness). 2. Above average awareness of the market. 3. Well-studied market, customer needs.

It is necessary to use the uniqueness of the product to enter new markets; due to good knowledge of the consumer market to expand production; due to socio-political stability and market awareness to improve product quality and increase output

Due to inflation, in order to suffer less losses, the company pursues a policy of playing at exchange rates. Reducing production in order to ensure that products do not lie in warehouses; production that is needed by the consumer at the moment. Dispose of less waste by purchasing cleaning equipment


Weaknesses: 1. Lack of some key skills. 2. Weakness in areas with great potential, insufficient attention to research and development. 3. High-cost production, aging facilities. 4. Lack of special skills in the field of management.

Due to the stability of the state and its successful policy to find potential investors to re-equip the equipment or get a loan from the state for these purposes. Due to increased production, and hence greater profits to allocate more funds for research and development. The company will work better if it hires good managers who will improve the company’s performance.

Reduce production, and produce only those consumers who will pay immediately for the product, so as not to receive additional losses from inflation. Actively pursue a policy of playing at exchange rates with the support of specialists in this field. Reduce product shortages by imposing penalties on workers.


Figure 1. Matrix of SWOT-analysis.

Study of the external and internal environment. The study of the internal environment is an analysis of the following resources of the enterprise:

Financial resources. Workforce. Production resources.

Analysis of financial resources. Financial resources are characterized by: current and future cash inflows; the ability to move them; availability of capital; goals in terms of profits and dividends.

In fact, the receipt of funds means the assessment of money for a really long period. It is clear that it is very important not the accuracy of the forecast, but its reliability: it is necessary to present the order of funds that will come to the company in the future and the degree of their stability.

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