The property damage amounts to at least 80,000 euros

The property damage amounts to at least 80,000 euros

The firefighters ventilated the apartment and house thoroughly. The other tenants were able to return quickly.

The apartment fire in Sondershausen, in which a 75-year-old woman died on Friday, was apparently caused by negligent handling of cigarettes. A technical defect or arson is now ruled out, said a spokeswoman for the Nordhausen State Police Inspectorate on Monday. The resident died of smoke inhalation and burns. According to the current state of investigations, there is no evidence of a crime, it said. The body has not yet been autopsied. Firefighters had recovered the dead on Friday evening from the apartment in the Jechaburg district.

A walker reported an oil film on the Wipper in Sondershausen on Christmas Day. The oil mixture had entered the river from a storm sewer, the police reported on Thursday. After a hydraulic defect, oil leaked on company premises; a small amount of it had been washed into the sewer by the onset of rain. The fire brigade set up an oil barrier. There was no fish death.

A senior citizen was seriously injured in hospital after a collision with a cyclist in Sondershausen (Kyffhäuserkreis). The 91-year-old went on Wednesday afternoon with a friend on foot on the bike path between Steingraben and Waldstrasse, as the police announced on Thursday. There she was detected by a cyclist. She was injured in the arm and leg from the fall. The cyclist initially helped the woman, but then drove on. According to their own statements, the police later determined that it was a 48-year-old man from Sondershausen. A complaint has been made against him.

After the fire of an election campaign truck of the AfD near Sondershausen, the police did not rule out a political background. "The police have started investigations to clarify the cause of the fire. These currently extend in all directions", said the state police station in Nordhausen. "A political motive for the crime cannot be ruled out."

People were not injured in the fire on Saturday morning. The truck was used for the AfD election campaign and was parked in a courtyard in Reinsdorf (Kyffhäuserkreis). The property damage amounts to at least 80,000 euros.

The Thuringian AfD boss Björn Höcke was convinced of a political act: "The circumstances of the attack leave no doubt that it was a politically motivated act. It is only thanks to the luck and the rapid response of the fire brigade that no people were harmed." The AfD continues its election campaign as planned. A new state parliament will be elected in Thuringia on October 27th.

According to the AfD regional association, the truck was on the property of a party member. "The vehicle was only a few meters in front of a residential building, so the perpetrators accepted the endangerment of human life", it said in a message from the party. A total loss had occurred on the truck. The AfD is expecting a total of six-figure damage, the vehicle would have been sound technology and event materials.

In Sondershausen (Kyffhäuserkreis) a barn burned down on Monday night. A police spokeswoman said in the morning that there was damage of 20,000 euros. Around 20 people had been brought to safety from an adjacent apartment block as a precaution, so that no one was injured. 66 firefighters were involved in the operation in the Großberndten district. The criminal police will begin investigations into the previously unclear cause of the fire during the day, it said.

A 47-year-old from the Kyffhäuserland community was arrested on suspicion of drug trafficking. Investigators searched the suspect’s home and ancillary rooms on Thursday, as the police announced on Friday. In addition to numerous other pieces of evidence, the police also found 21 cannabis plants and around 11.5 kilos of semi-dried plants with flowers and pure A judge issued an arrest warrant for the man on Friday. The investigation continues.

A truck on Bundesstraße 4 near Sondershausen lost its entire load of around 150 crates of beer including the liquid contents. According to the police on Thursday, the boxes slipped from the trailer when the transporter lurched in a curve for an unexplained cause. "The beer flowed freely"said a police spokeswoman. Drivers would have to be prepared for disabilities at the accident site at least until Thursday noon. Traffic is currently being diverted. Nobody was injured in the accident on Thursday morning.

In Sondershausen (Kyffhäuserkreis) a motorist rammed a light motorcycle. The 17-year-old driver of the motorcycle was seriously injured, as a police spokeswoman said on Tuesday. The young man was driving the light motorcycle on Monday evening when he was hit by the car at an intersection. According to the police, the 17-year-old had the right of way. Investigations into negligent bodily harm were initiated against the uninjured driver.

Unknown people distributed stickers with anti-Semitic slogans on Holocaust Remembrance Day in Sondershausen (Kyffhäuserkreis). A passerby saw a man on Monday who put such a sticker on a memorial plaque in a former synagogue, the police said on Tuesday. The director of the castle museum later found the same sticker on a showcase in the passage to the castle courtyard. The state security of the criminal police in Nordhausen determined. The police are looking for witnesses.

January 27th marked the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the German concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz in Poland occupied by Hitler’s Germany by the Red Army. There alone, the National Socialists killed more than a million people. In Thuringia there were commemorative events with speeches and wreath-laying ceremonies in many cities and towns.

In Sondershausen (Kyffhäuserkreis), a driver collided with a 63-year-old cyclist in a roundabout and fled from the scene of the accident. The cyclist was seriously injured in the impact on Thursday evening and had to be taken to a hospital, a police spokeswoman said on Friday. In the collision, the stranger’s car lost an exterior mirror. The police asks for help.

After an accident in Sondershausen (Kyffhäuserkreis), a van driver was chasing a car driver – and still escaped. The van with Munich license plates collided with the car of a 42-year-old at an intersection on Friday. The woman was uninjured, but her car was no longer ready to drive, as the police announced on Saturday. According to the police, on his escape the van driver endangered two pedestrians who wanted to cross a street and had to jump aside. Because of a construction site, the driver turned around and drove back to the scene of the accident at high speed.

When the van hit another car, the driver of the car took up chase, but she lost her track. A police operation was also unsuccessful. The investigators estimate the property damage to be around 4500 euros. The police are looking for witnesses.

Carnival events have lured fools onto the streets in many places in Thuringia on Monday. Almost 20 clubs moved through the city in Sondershausen. The police counted a total of around 3,000 participants and spectators, a spokeswoman said on Monday. The train was largely peaceful.

There were other Rose Monday parades in other places such as Bad Tennstedt (Unstrut-Hainich district) and in the Catholic district of Eichsfeld, for example in Leinefelde and Heiligenstadt. In Neustadt an der Orla (Saale-Orla district) the fools came to the traditional "Tug of war important people" together, in which different teams use their forces by means of ropes of the carnival society "Duhlendorf" measure up.

The fools were luckier on Monday than their colleagues, who had put their hustle and bustle on Sunday. Because some carnival events were on Sunday due to the storm low "Yulia" has been canceled for security reasons.

Thuringia was also the topic of the Rose Monday parades in the major carnival strongholds. With their motto car, the Düsseldorf wagon builders around Jacques Tilly, for example, did not give a good hair to the local Prime Minister election: The Thuringian CDU boss Mike Mohring and the now only executive Prime Minister Thomas Kemmerich (FDP) lifted their right arm out of the brown swamp AfD parliamentary group leader Björn Höcke to the Hitler salute. Kemmerich was elected Prime Minister on February 5, largely with votes from the AfD, which triggered a nationwide storm of protest.

A truck on Bundesstraße 4 near Sondershausen lost its entire load of around 600 crates of beer including the liquid contents. According to the police on Thursday, the boxes slipped from the trailer when the transporter lurched in a curve for an unexplained cause. "The beer flowed freely"said a police spokeswoman. According to an expert, the total damage amounts to at least 25,000 euros. Undamaged bottles were reloaded. Nobody was injured in the accident on Thursday morning.

A 51-year-old threw firecrackers out of the window of an apartment building in Sondershausen (Kyffhäuserkreis) and ended up in prison for old offenses. The officers checked the man’s apartment on Wednesday night because neighbors had reported blasts flying out of the window, the police said on Wednesday. It turned out that there was an arrest warrant against the man. The police also found a long gun with ammunition and empty packaging from prohibited fireworks.

The man was brought before a judge and then sent to prison. Investigations into a suspected violation of the weapons law initially continued. Looking at the long rifle, the man stated that he was an active hunter in Austria. "Among other things, it must be checked whether the accused was allowed to bring the weapon from Austria to Germany and acquire ammunition"the police said.

In Thuringia, strangers stole several boxes from a shopping market in which Christmas gifts were stored for a children’s home. Now the toy is gone.

Christmas gifts intended for a children’s home have been stolen in Thuringia. The perpetrators broke into a warehouse in a Sondershausen supermarket and took several boxes with toys from a collection campaign, the police announced on Sunday. 

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 The toy was intended for children of a facility in nearby Ebeleben. When exactly the perpetrators took the toy away cannot be said, the crime must have taken place between December 3rd and 7th.

Sources used: dpa news agency

With around 6,800 letters, the only Christmas post office in Thuringia has received more mail this year than it has for a long time. "Our official postwoman was very busy again"said Manuela Verges from the Himmelsberger Heimatverein. The 6,800 letters had been answered by Friday – in the Backhaus, the Christmas post office center in Himmelsberg (Kyffhäuserkreis). Together with all the stragglers, the 7000 mark could be reached again after a break of a few years by Christmas Eve.

As always, most of the mail came from Thuringia and the rest of Germany. Just at the beginning, as in previous years, a few dozen letters arrived from Taiwan, China and Hong Kong. There were letters in English for the Asian fans of Santa Claus.

In the letters there were again different requests – mostly products from advertising, as Verges reported. Dolls, make-up items and building blocks can always be found on the wish lists. But health for the family, less homework and more sleep for the mother were also mentioned.

In addition, quite specific requests were expressed: for example, that a teacher should not retire – or a polygraph for the parents. All letter writers receive an answer in which the anticipation for Christmas is expressed, as Verges said.

Santa’s nine volunteer helpers regularly sat together in the bakery and had a few surprises this year: First, a package with hay and bread for Santa and the reindeer arrived. Later on, tea bags, instant coffee and biscuits kept coming in for the helpers.

But the Christmas post office itself also needs strengthening: the city of Sondershausen, to which Himmelsberg belongs, has set up a donation account for the renovation of the historic bakery.

At the opening of the Christmas post office this year, the city administration announced that the roof, heating and electrics would have to be replaced. The total cost would be estimated at 140,000 euros. The aim is for the house to shine in new splendor at the beginning of Advent 2020 in order to keep the tradition of Christmas mail alive.

Even if some pre-Christmas things, such as visiting Christmas markets, are omitted in the corona pandemic – the children can also write to St. Nicholas this year: "Nothing changes in that"Said the chairman of the St. Nikolaus Festival Committee, Peter Gerecke, in St. Nikolaus in Saarland of the German Press Agency. The mail from thousands of children from all over the world is answered at the St. Nicholas post office as well as otherwise by St. Nicholas volunteer helpers.

Around 2000 letters from children to St. Nicholas have already been received, said Sabine Gerecke, head of the children’s letter campaign in St. Nikolaus. The corona pandemic was also a topic in the letters: Some children asked how St. Nicholas was doing and wished him to stay healthy, she said. Others reported that it wasn’t a great year because of Corona.

Children have been writing for more than 50 years "To St. Nicholas" in the small town in the municipality of Großrosseln near the French border. According to Deutsche Post, it is the oldest St. Nicholas post office in Germany. The partnership between the festival committee and the post office has existed since 1967.

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